Lefties Lie Down With the Righties
Interesting how "conservative" Republicans and "liberal" Democrats are sort of together on this whole bailout thing.
Maltok 5, the secret interplanetary ruler of Earth and 4 other grade C planets, must convey information to the world through his minions. Beware all evildoers!
Interesting how "conservative" Republicans and "liberal" Democrats are sort of together on this whole bailout thing.
Ah, those randy Brits. This mindless little clip is good for washing the bad taste of bad politics and policies from your mouth.
Just mind the swallow...
Here’s some hilarious video from outside a McCain campaign stop in Ohio, where some older people chant “Keating Five,” which was the great group of corrupt senators (including John McCain) who caused the last collapse of American finance, in the late ’80s. This teevee reporter has no idea what they’re talking about, of course. [Blogger Interrupted]
Posted by
Boy on the Bike
1:15 PM
Labels: 2008 elections, economy, keating 5, lies, mccain, scandal
This fellow has put into words a sad but true commentary on the underlying issues still facing this country as it continues to wrestle with the undercurrents of code speech, white indignation and the other dark corners of our history still affecting our present. Apparently he was once called a "leftist extremist" by that godfather of centrists, our own ex KKK member, David Duke. In that context, it sounds like a badge of honor. September, 14 2008 By Wise, Tim For those who still can't grasp the concept of white privilege, or who are constantly looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it, perhaps this list will help.
-Maltok 5
Tim Wise's ZSpace Page
Join ZSpace
White privilege is, in short, the problem.
NEW YORK -- As a member of the Elite Eastern Media in good standing (I hope), I would like to say that St. Paul was the most educational and enjoyable Republican National Convention I have ever watched. Thrilling, really. I did not know that we, the people like me, were running the country until hearing it from John McCain, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and the rest of that wonderful bunch from real America.
Romney was a hoot. My favorite. He must hate the media more than most of those who were in St. Paul, because he spoke as if he has not read or noticed anything for years. It is hard to believe he said:
"Is Washington now liberal or conservative? Let me ask you some questions. ... Is a Congress liberal or conservative that stops nuclear power plants and off-shore drilling, making us more and more dependent on Middle Eastern tyrants? It's liberal. Is government spending, putting aside inflation, liberal or conservative if it doubles since 1980? It's liberal. ... Throw out the big-government liberals and elect John McCain and Sarah Palin. ... You know, it's time for the party of big ideas, not the party of Big Brother."
The big-government liberals he's apparently worried about are the reigning Big Brother, Vice President Cheney, and the reigning borrow-and-spend budget-busting president, whom I had been thinking was named Bush.
Maybe it was me who got it wrong. I must admit that I was sorry to hear that this president -- Barack Obama, is it? -- is screwing up so bad, fighting wars and building bridges to nowhere and presiding over a tailspinning economy. You know, until McCain and the rest told me, I didn't even realize Obama was in charge the whole time. Pay attention!
Oops! This just in: George W. Bush is still president and has been for more than seven distressing years. I guess I was fooled by the fact that his name was almost never mentioned in St. Paul. A computer count indicated that Bush's name was used 12 times as often at the Democratic convention in Denver than in St. Paul -- but you know the Eastern Elite Media, they probably made that up.
And, darn, the papers said McCain has been in Congress for more than 25 years. His party, the Republicans, have controlled the White House or Congress or both since 1980. That did make me wonder a bit why McCain said, "We're worse off than we were four years ago." And then he added: "I promise you, if you're sick and tired of the way Washington operates, you only need to be patient for a couple of more months. Change is coming! Change is coming! Change is coming!"
Maybe he really does think Obama is now and has been for four years our president.
No, he must know Bush is still in office. Why else would he and Gov. Palin, the sparky leader of that expensive federal preserve called Alaska, declare victory in Iraq? Some victory. McCain said triumph was a result of his personal resolve and the surge led by "the leadership of a brilliant general, David Petraeus." Petraeus is one smart and admirable guy, but his timing is not always perfect. Just before McCain spoke, it was revealed that the general has recommended to the president (Bush) that sharp troop cuts trumpeted by the Republicans should be postponed until next year.
But, of course, McCain has already said we may be there for a hundred years. He may be right.
The conventions were fun and games and a bit of fantasy this time around. But except for introducing the country to Gov. Palin of the Yukon, "Caribou Barbie" to the bloggers, I doubt these rock concerts did much beyond holding the contenders in place. This race will still be about Bush's record, Obama's race and McCain's age.
Posted by
Boy on the Bike
1:59 PM
Labels: 2008 elections, biden, elite, issues, mccain, media, obama, palin, personality, reeves, richard
This from cartoonist Steve Greenberg at the Ventura County Star. Sent in by our friend, Richard B.
-Maltok 5
Posted by
Boy on the Bike
12:32 PM
Labels: 2008 elections, Barack Obama, bush, Clinton, conservative, deficit, election, liberal, mccain, spend, tax
This analysis, in my opinion, is right on the money on how to deal with the "new" Republican distraction machine. Yeah, it sure is easy to get all worked up about Palin, whether you're for or against her. I know I've fallen into that trap myself. But... It distracts from the truth of McCain and Bush and the Republicans' last 8 years of systematic destruction of our rights, freedoms and standing in the world, who used to look up to us as a country, even with our known faults. And we are not any more safe. In fact probably far less so.
So, yeah she's a feisty, moose huntin', Pentacostal "in tongues" speakin', sarcastic ex beauty queenin', it's "God's plan" that we're in Iraq talkin' ball of jingoistic energy, er... bullshit, but... SHE'S JUST THERE TO DISTRACT FROM McSAME'S LACK OF REAL CHANGE AND IDEAS.
-Maltok 5
The correct answer to all these questions is: who cares? Which isn't to say these aren't valid questions, or that Palin and the McCain camp aren't playing it fast, loose, and coy with each of them. The point is that Palin, and the circus she's brought to town, are simply a bountiful collection of small lies deliberately designed to distract the country from one big truth: the havoc that George Bush and the Republican Party have wrought, and that John McCain is committed to continuing.
Every second of this campaign not spent talking about the Republican Party's record, and John McCain's role in that record, is a victory for John McCain.
Her critics like to say that Palin hasn't accomplished anything. I disagree: in the space of ten days she's succeeded in distracting the entire country from the horrific Bush record -- and McCain's complicity in it. My friends, that's accomplishment we can believe in.
Just look at the problem John McCain faced. George Bush has a disastrous record, and the country knows it. John McCain -- the current one, not the one who vanished eight years ago -- has no major disagreements with George Bush (and I'm sorry, wanting to fire Donald Rumsfeld a bit sooner doesn't qualify) and wants to continue his incredibly unpopular policies for another four years. The solution? Enter Sarah Palin, a Trojan Moose carrying four more years of disaster.
And the plan has worked beautifully. Just look at what's being discussed just 57 days before the election. Is it the highest unemployment rate in five years? The bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? The suicide bombing yesterday in Iraq that killed six people and wounded 54 -- in the same market where last month a bomb killed 28 people and wounded 72? That the political reconciliation that was supposedly the point of "the surge" is nowhere near happening? That Iraq's Shiite government is now rounding up the American-backed Sunni leaders of the Awakening? That the reason 8,000 soldiers may be leaving Iraq soon is so more can be deployed to Afghanistan where the Taliban is steadily retaking the country?
No. We're talking about whether Sarah Palin was or was not a good mayor, whether she was or was not a good mother, whether her skirts are too short and her zingers too sarcastic.
Contrary to what we're hearing 24/7 in the media, the next few weeks are not a test of Sarah Palin. The next few weeks are a test of Barack Obama.
He needs to dramatically redirect this election back to a discussion over the issues that really matter -- the issues that will impact the future of this country. A presidential campaign is a battle and this is the time for Obama to show some commander-in-chief skills. I'm not talking about calling Palin out for lying about his record and demeaning community organizing. I'm talking about grabbing the political debate by the throat. The country is already angry about what's happened over the last seven-plus years -- he shouldn't be afraid to give voice to that anger. Obama has spent years adopting a non-threatening persona; but he can't let his fear that appearing like an "angry Black man" (a stereotype not-too-subtly fueled by Fox News) will turn off swing voters keep him from channeling the disgust and outrage felt by so many voters --swing and otherwise. [more]
Posted by
Boy on the Bike
8:58 AM
Labels: 2008 elections, Barack Obama, distraction, huffington, John McCain, palin, politics, trojan horse
Joe shows why he was a good pick for Vice President. Calls the McNasty Palincomparison team on its snarky snarkiness.
Posted by
Boy on the Bike
9:51 AM
ThinkProgress has put together a document compiling what we know about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R), Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) vice presidential running mate. Here are the issues:
* Foreign Policy
* Earmarks
* Environment
* Energy
* Big Oil
* Science
* Women’s Rights
* Ethics
* Troopergate
* Radical Right
* Civil Rights
* Health Care
* Economy
Palin Hasn’t Given The War In Iraq Much Thought. Palin told the Alaska Business Monthly, “I’ve been so focused on state government, I haven’t really focused much on the war in Iraq. I heard on the news about the new deployments, and while I support our president, Condoleezza Rice and the administration, I want to know that we have an exit plan in place.” [Alaska Business Monthly, 3/1/07]
Palin Has Never Been To Iraq. In her only trip overseas, Palin visited Alaska National Guard troops stationed in Kuwait and Germany in July 2007. [AP, 7/25/07]
Palin Believes That The Iraq War Is A Task ‘From God.’ Speaking at the Wasilla Assembly of God church in June, Palin said that “our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God.” [Huffington Post, 9/2/08]
Palin Believes The Iraq War Was Fought Over Oil. “We are a nation at war and in many [ways] the reasons for war are fights over energy sources,” Palin told BusinessWeek in an interview. [BusinessWeek, 8/29/08]
Palin Didn’t Have A Passport Until 2007. Palin first obtained a passport in July 2007 for her trip to Kuwait and Germany to visit Alaska National Guard troops. Her only other trip outside of the United States was to Canada. A Palin spokeswoman had previously said that Palin had also been to Ireland, although it was actually just a “refueling stop” on her Germany/Kuwait trip. [New York Times, 8/29/08; Politico, 9/2/08]
Posted by
Boy on the Bike
2:42 PM
Labels: 2008 elections, hypocrisy, palin, sanctimony, sarah, sarcasm, vet
This guy doesn't seem to have a big axe to grind. He might even be telling the truth. Either way, it's good to try to put a countering argument to the whole "I'm a hero! Vote for me!" thing McCain and his campaign have been doing, regardless of the topic. They cheapen the true worth of McCain's actual heroic deeds.
Posted by
Boy on the Bike
2:35 PM
Labels: 2008 elections, fit, hero, John McCain, mccain, pow, president, temper, truth
I just couldn't help myself. Besides, who needs an intern when you've got a...
History in the making, indeed!
Posted by
Boy on the Bike
2:32 PM
Labels: 2008 elections, eye, John McCain, palin, republicans, wandering
Bill O'Reilly's wooden nose grows almost as long as the "bridge to nowhere," and Dick Morris eats his own foot.
Posted by
Boy on the Bike
5:51 PM
Labels: 2008 elections, daily show, hypocrisy, John McCain, john stewart, mccain, palin
When did the Republican Party become the Pity Party?
What has surprised me this week in St. Paul is the sense of grievance that Republicans feel, or pretend to feel, at the cruel forces that are treating them in such a beastly manner. The news media are the principal villains. Having rallied around Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate, Republicans are outraged that anyone would ask whether a first-term Alaska governor, whose only other political experience was as a small-town mayor, is the right person for the job. Having announced that Sarah Palin’s unmarried 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, the McCain campaign is irate that anyone would write about this circumstance, much less ask further questions about it.
“Why hound the Palin family over such a private matter?” the campaign protests. Uh, maybe because you put out a press release?
Anyone who questions Palin’s qualifications, or points out that she was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it, is being sexist. Anyone who mentions that McCain is 72, which would make him the oldest man to be elected president, is being ageist. Who knew the Republican Party was so keenly attuned to delicate matters of political correctness? It’s hard to square the image of the party that Fred Thompson tried to project Tuesday night -- tough, muscular to the point of being martial, unafraid and uncompromising, able to skin a moose -- with all the exquisite sensitivity, all the wailing and the lamentation and the gnashing of teeth, on display in St. Paul. This is a party that seems to want reassurance, validation, and maybe a hug.
It all reminds me of those old Saturday morning cartoons in which an elephant would jump up on a stool and tremble in fear at the sight of a mouse.
By Eugene Robinson
Posted by
Boy on the Bike
2:23 PM
Labels: John McCain, mccain, media, msm, palin, qualified, questions, vet
Yes, Amy Goodman is on the left and is the host of "Democracy Now," but does that give the McFascists the right to arrest her for peaceful activities just because it gets in the way of the RNC message?
I guess the answer is yes. Especially if you're wearing jack boots.
Yee haw! Here we go into another interesting election to say the least.
-Maltok 5
Posted by
Boy on the Bike
4:23 PM
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Posted September 8, 2008 | 03:28 PM (EST)